We made it back to India without a glitch. All our luggage made it with us and it was the speediest ever through passport control. The lines are usually looong but they are getting better all the time. We were out of the airport in record time! The long ride back by road was uneventful as we all were dosing off. We arrived home at 2AM on the 20th. The children have been helping get things back in order as there was mold in a few places due to the heavy rains AND we had to clean our fridge due to maggots! Either someone was trying to “help” us by turning off our electricity while we were away or there was an electric spike that tripped that switch. Either way, what an incredible smell/sight! :-(
Main challengeI received from our church meeting on Sunday John 12:1-11:
“Give my best in every moment I’m given to make it count for the Lord.”
Today (24th of July) is Maria’s 13th birthday! She celebrated it with another friend

turning 13 on Saturday evening with a big party! Lots of kids, games, noise and food. We are sooo glad the Lord has provided friends for our kids on this side of the planet!
We've made a new decision regarding Danielle's schooling: She's back into the local school for this year. Her admission was fast-tracked (2 phone calls) as it is a very small school which our family has been a part of in the past (Emanuel Mission School). She started this morning but the tricky part is we are waiting on her books to arrive. When I asked her this morning about going back to a 'real' school she was very excited. Merrilea and I both feel its the best for her at this stage.
Current weather: rainy, overcast skies, 77 degrees. Coffee will be made shortly.
On the Flip Side,