25 December 2007

Christmas Day

A view of our city of Pune looking from the South side to the North

Christmas lunch with friends at a local church gathering

Want to know more? E-mail Merrilea and ask her!

Christmas night...oh what fun!

24 December 2007

The Week Before Christmas

Nafisa's feet prints and hand prints make her into a nice angel...

Hip-hoppin at Adlabs Mall, Kalyaninagar, Pune

Hide and Seek in the kitchen...

18 December 2007

Nafisa and Santa

My birthday last week...

Joseph at a Christmas party

For Nafisa's first 30 mins around Santa, she was very scared and cried...as most kids might who see Santa for the first time. Then, about an hour later, she gave him a hug. She saw him before in 2005 but didn't have a clue.

14 December 2007

What we didn't expect

Red ants showed up just before Merrilea's parents arrived. So, like a good son-in-law, I called the exterminator who has a one year contract with us. He came and sprayed.... Oops.

What a smell! That shut down things in the house for about 3 hours. Everyone left. I was alone in the house, closed up in the office.

The kids didn't mind so much because they had to stop their school work and play outside! Merrilea's mom and I then washed the counter tops and floor so we could use them again. No more ants (for now). Glad the smell is gone!

For our Thanksgiving get-together, friends made this.... the closest thing to a Turkey this side of the Ganges River.

11 December 2007

Last week...

Dad and Mom Schrack have been keeping busy - from helping around the house to planning trainings.... Adrian, a friend of ours, came over with his family on Saturday and is working with Dad Schrack, planning trips for January. Joseph enjoyed building the tallest tower he's built with Legos.

09 December 2007

A Day in the Life of....

Maria Ann van den Akker

Here's the best way to describe it...from Friday night!

06 December 2007

This Week

I've traveled back and forth to Aurangabad, some 5 hours north east of us while Merrilea, the kids and Merrilea's mom enjoyed time at home ... homeschooling, sorting old stuff we need to get rid of, etc.

Merrilea's dad went south 5 hours to a town called Miraj and visited a leper colony among other things.

Danielle and Maria went to a 'Princess Party' on Monday night and came back with facials and less eyebrows!

Most of our Christmas decorations are up! For the first time in 16 years of marriage (Dec 28) I have not had to put up our decorations! Maria, Joseph and Danielle did it all! I'm very grateful, guys!

I am also finalizing a lease agreement for a new guy from Oklahoma who will join us in January!

It's around 7o degrees right now and around 60 at night. For the first time since last Christmas I wore sox to bed last night!