08 June 2008


Friends in Pune

Maria and J...the way we remember them...attitude & fun!
Nafisa's handiwork....
This week has seen tremendous change around our home:
Maria and Joseph flew back to Colorado and are at their CYIA training in WY. They'll be teaching clubs this week in Casper. Joseph's bad sunburn is doing better.

Mark and Aimee - members of our team have left for Tulsa - sad to see them go....but the Lord has closed one chapter of their adventure and is opening another. We'll miss them here.

Joel and Melissa and their kids have moved out of our house after staying with a us for 2 weeks. It's been fun having them here even though busyness has kept us from being together as much as we wanted.

Not too long now and we'll be in Thailand for our annual meetings, then we'll be back in the US by mid to late July.

Just us 4 in the house now...seems too quiet....though lots to do.

The monsoon season has just started...it's raining most every day now. The park outside our home is turning green again!

01 June 2008

Send Off for M & J

Maria and Joseph leave for the US on Tuesday so we had a send off tonight! It was great, even considering Maria went to the emergency room in the morning to check out her knees as she had a 'dancing accident' Saturday in our apartment. I'll leave it to her to explain it all. She says it cuz she was trying to do a hand stand....

They'll be teaching 5-Day clubs to children in Wyoming for most of the summer. We'll see them again for a week when they hop on more planes to our meetings in Thailand. Then, they'll go back to the US to be camp counselors and teach more clubs. We'll hook up with them in mid-August for Merrilea's parents' 50th wedding anniversary in Colorado!