18 November 2009

We had an earthquake!

On Saturday night during Danielle and Sophy's party, we had an earthquake.

It was a 4.6 that hit south of us a bit.

I know...I was in the bathroom and could feel the counter shake and saw the towel shake on the door. ... and I just thought we had a rock'in party!

Check out the earthquake link (above) for the specs on that one!

06 November 2009

The Challenge of Raising Teens

I'll be placing thoughts on raising our teens here from time to time ...

I don't have the time to make it all prim and proper but I thought I'd share what words of wisdom I've gleaned and sources that we've found REAL helpful.
My hope is it'd help others but also keep me where I need to be with my own kids.

'Max Q' by by Andy Stanley and Stuart Hall - a great book to help prepare teens to face the pressures of secondary school and college while being influential for God's kingdom rather than influenced by all that's bad out there. It's written for those working with students but its content is full of gems for teens.

In this book, he refers to a prior publication that I found very helpful...

Adapted from 7 Checkpoints by Andy Stanley

Authentic Faith Proverbs 3:5-6

This checkpoint focuses on a correct understanding of faith. Faith is confidence that God is who He says He is and that He will do all He has promised to do.

Principle: God can be trusted; He will do all He has promised to do.

Critical Question: Are you trusting God with the critical areas of your life?

Spiritual Disciplines Romans 12:2

The focus of this checkpoint is your devotional life. The apostle Paul assures us that transformation begins with a renewed mind. As you begin to renew your minds to the truths of Scripture, your attitudes and behavior will change.

Principle: If we could see as God sees, we would do as God says.

Critical Question: Are you developing a consistent devotional and prayer life?

Moral Boundaries 1 Thess. 4:3-8

Purity paves the way to intimacy. One of the most important things you can do is establish limits. You need to learn how to protect your body and emotions by honoring God's plan for sex and morality.

Principle: Purity paves the way to intimacy.

Critical Question: Are you establishing and maintaining moral boundaries?

Healthy Friendships Proverbs 13:20

The people you associate with the most will determine the direction and quality of your life. This principle focuses on helping you build healthy friendships while avoiding unhealthy ones.

Principle: Our friends determine the direction and quality of our lives.

Critical Question: Are you establishing healthy friendships and avoiding unhealthy ones?

Wise Choices Ephesians 5:15-17

In light of past experiences and future dreams, you need to ask yourselves "What is the wise thing to do?" Good decision making is more than simply choosing between right and wrong. This principle focuses on the necessity of wisdom in decision making.

Principle: Walk wisely.

Critical Question: Are you making wise decisions?

Ultimate Authority Romans 13:1-2

Freedom and authority are often viewed as opposing concepts. But the Scriptures teach that freedom is found under authority. This principle focuses on the need for you to stay under the authorities that God has placed over you.

Principle: Maximum freedom is found under God's authority.

Critical Question: Are you submitting to the authorities God has placed over you?

Others First Philippians 2:3-11

Selfishness comes natural. Selflessness must be learned. The hallmark of a believer is his or her willingness to put the needs of others ahead of their own. This principle addresses your propensity toward selfishness and self-centeredness.

Principle: Others First

Critical Question: Are you putting the needs of others ahead of your own?

04 November 2009

Nafisa's Pre-School

Check out the pics of Nafisa's preschool!
Thanks Bella for making the pics available!

01 November 2009

Goa 2009!

Out with friends...who are 'out'!


Green is the new Pink!

Crab & Jellyfish!

At the train station....

On the way home....