I got my cast off yesterday and it was so scary! We left Joseph, Danielle and another guest in the car while Ali, me and my dad went into the doctors office. They directed us immediately to a room and one of the guys there put a piece of tarp under my cast. Then he got out a box with a drill sort of thing and a circular bade on the end. he used that to first slice one side of the cast and then the other. It was so scary! I was on the bed and holding Ali's hand and my dad was standing there watching. Every time I moved suddenly for one reason or another, Ali would practically yell, " Did he cut you!?". After about he fifth time she did that she made my dad nervous and he told her to stop. I was so scared! Finally he was finished and he pried the cast of my leg. I am not going to describe my leg to you because it was really gross. It looked dead! Anyway, we were then transferred to another room and waited there for about forty-five minutes. We were so bored! (while we were waiting we : threw coins around the room, sang songs, and gave each other a makeover)
[NOTE, Maria did NOT give me (Dad) a makeover!]Finally the doctor came and looked at it a bit. then he put a bandage(you know those stretchy kind) and said I needed to keep it on when I was up and about, I could get it wet now, I could put weight on it gradually, as I felt comfortable, AND... that I should come back in two weeks for one last x-ray... And that is what happened. I can't wait to actually walk on it but now i am a Little uncomfortable with putting weight on it.