All Done
Thank You
Her favorite word this month is “NO!” (Now where did she pick that up?)
Joseph and Danielle got their bicycle tires repaired at a shop about ½ mile from our apartment. They are eager to use them now that the rains have ceased.
This is the season for Hindu and Muslim festivals and fireworks so, in anticipation of Danielle’s BIG 10 Birthday (Oct 31), I purchased some fire works and we lit all of them off tonight from our roof. It was great. No burns and lots of smoke but it was fun.
We are leaving for a week’s holiday at the beach in celebration of Danielle’s Double Digit birthday. One of Maria’s special friends, Alison, will be joining us. This trip is sandwiched between very busy work days. I actually signed the lease on an apartment tonight (28th)! Painting will begin on Monday and we’ll begin moving in the week of November 18 (Happy Birthday Amy!).
We’ve been missing family. Wish you all were here.
Some events of the day: Service center did not have the hardware for the TWO car door handles that broke this week. Flat tire this morning. Headlight went out on our motorbike as I was riding it the evening.
Book I’m reading this month: Failing Forward by John Maxwell.
Love from the Flip Side,
Bill for the family.