On Saturday, Merrilea and the kids all went to a birthday party for our good friend Melanie and a going away party for her brother, Matthew who will be leaving for boarding school later this year. They had a blast...and got some sun, too.
Our visitors from South Carolina have returned via Delta airlines on a non-stop flight to Mumbai arriving some 12 plus hours later. Just think, if you ever wanted to visit us, you could take that trip as well!
Merrilea is sick but doing ok. Maybe caught a cold from a friend in Aurangabad. Such is life in the fast lane with all the travel we have beeing doing!
Life in India: Some things are really fun: For the last 2 days I’ve been staying in a hotel in Mumbai near the airport. For some strange reason, I’ve received my meals complementary! When things like this happen, it’s wonderful! Yet, sometimes just getting the simple things done…like changing our address for our cell phone provider …I haven’t received a bill at our new address since informing them of our address change 5 months ago! BUT, as Maria revealed to our guests from South Carolina, she wouldn’t want to live anywhere else! Now, that is awesome! I’m so glad that living here in South Asia has been a VERY healthy thing for us a family.
From "Traveling Bill"