30 January 2009

28 January 2009

Getting a Driver's License

At the local Department of Motor Vehicles today, I was directed to:

Go to Tree Number 10.

Ask to see this man who will be waiting in a rickshaw.

He points and tells me to go to an office we can see from the tree where I will get digitally photographed and thumb printed.

After waiting in line with others for a mere 6 minutes, I'm photographed and digitally in the system.

I come back to the original guy at the rickshaw and he says, go to another tree and give a different man 30 rupees (65cents) for him to get my paperwork together.

That man tells me to go back to Tree Number 10 and get my paperwork stapled....

I should have my license by the end of the week.


06 January 2009

The latest from 2009

In a tree in a park in the city!


A visit with Uncle Al...

One of our local friends, Promeet, challenged Joseph with this Insanity hot sauce. Joseph needed lots of water....!
Here, Promeet is teaching Danielle to make potato (aloo) stuffed bread (paratha). They were good and didn't last long!