28 November 2011

Thanksgiving & Oct/Nov

Hosting another Thanksgiving day dinner! Glad for the friends who are coming....
First.... rainbow out the Kitchen window in late October:

A country-side hike with friends about an hour outside of Pune. 

Playing at lunch

Danielle turns 15 Oct 31, 2011

Some Normal Pune Sites


 At Thanksgiving ... party!

17 November 2011

Washing Machine

For the last 4 days we've been without a washing machine...it's 12 years old.
The motor bit the dust and we're waiting on the repair guy....all on a service contract. ... still waiting.

Well several months ago Merrilea bought a used front-load machine that has a 20 pound capacity! We haven't had the opportunity to get it from a friend's house till a few days ago...Merrilea took the old one out and put the new one in...yet she apparently installed the exaust hose wrong and couldn't get it to work till Harold, her father came and adjusted it....walla!  The first load is done! A bunch more to go....but it's finally working!  Happiness is a washing machine purring away!

13 November 2011


Decisions pending but Joseph is looking to head to WOLBI Asia in February! Way too soon, if you ask me.  I want to keep him around a while longer.  He's iching to go....   I don't blame him.... too soon to let go!