The week of training was well received. Time will tell if what was taught is applied. We had a great surprise when a guessed arrived whose been doing similar things as I, coming from Great Britain. His gave 4 practical examples for those who came for which I am very grateful.
A major highlight for our children this week is their youth group. The younger children meet at one home and the older meet at another. These are youth from at least 2 different organizations that meet 2x per month. Danielle couldn’t stop talking about it when I picked her up. We are supposed to have it at our home next week…and we’re to move beforehand. Ought to be interesting! Danielle’s school went on a picnic. See if you can pic out our children from this picture.
The painting of the apartment (here called a 'flat') we’re going to move into should be done by Monday. Then it will need a thorough cleaning. We’ll try to move in prior to Thanksgiving Day but we’ll see. Then there are window screens that need to be installed. I’ve already applied for a telephone connection and Internet. I’m told it will take less than a week. When we first came here it took 3 Months to get a phone line. Now, due to privatization, it’s taking lots less time. We’ll let you know.
Happy Birthday to both our mothers; Amy and Bob, Bill’s sister and brother and Melodie, Merrilea’s sister. They all had birthdays over the last 2 weeks.
Love you all,
From the Flip Side,
Bill for the family
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