While I (Bill) was in
Bangalore, a large city in the southern part of
India for a week, our kids went across the street from our apartment complex and down about 3 blocks to a concert.
DELIRIOUS came to Pune on Friday the 19
th. They are a Christian band from the
I got great reports fro

m the kids about it.
It is very rare that these kind of things happen here so we try to make them into really big events for our family. Josep

h said he was yelling/singing so much at the concert his throat hurt!
Lots of our kids’ friends went, too. The Picture was taken from our apartment.

Instead of going, Danielle went to her youth group with a bunch of other kids her age. She had a blast!
We want to congratulate Bob and Shamira, as on the 17th, Luke was born...one more person to carry on that van den Akker name!
See their blog at http://flvda.blogspot.com/
(See link to the right)