27 April 2007

Like Cold Water to a Weary Soul

Proverbs 25:25
Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.

It’s 89.2 degrees in our bedroom at 9pm this evening. It got up over 106 today! In this hot weather a cold coffee or cold drink of water from the fridge hits the spot. Similarly, hearing good news from our family back in the good ‘ol US of A also is refreshing.

We’ve heard some great and wonderful news from our close friend and Merrilea’s brother, Jonathan:

One month to go before he marries Sarah Ko!

We wish we could be there for the USA wedding!
We’re very much looking forward to attending the Korean wedding later this year.

This is probably the single most difficult thing about being on the flip side – not being around for family. We’ve missed birthdays and anniversaries and just plain hanging out with our relatives, watching the kids play and enjoying each other’s company.

Love you Jonathan and Sarah!

1 comment:

Tim and Amy said...

Congrats to Jonathan & Sarah! We are so happy for you!

Miss all the fam Bill. Have updated our blog w/ a few pics/a story from our trip. Will e-mail more later.

Love you!