10 July 2007

Photos in Thailand

With the Youth

Covered in Shaving Cream!

Note: Danielle's chipped upper tooth! While at a waterfall on a family outing, Danielle fell on rocks...ouch!

Within a day the dentists here had it fixed so you couldn't tell the difference!!!

At an orphanage where they youth scrapped and painted some playground equipment!

Maria with friends in a 'Sung-Tao' taxi-truck

Nafisa with John!

Going Paint-Balling!

1 comment:

Tim and Amy said...

Hey guys! Just came back from our short vacation to NH w/ some of Tim's family and saw your pics!!! Love 'em! Looks like the kids all had a great time! Sorry to hear Danielle chipped her tooth - OUCH! Can't get over how big the kids all are.
Miss you and love you!
Aunt Amy