My maternal grandmother (our Nana) died Sunday early in the morning.

She lived a long life - from the cool climate of New England's historical Quincy, Massachusetts to the place I'm told that all Yankees go to retire - Florida. I can remember when she lived with us for several years back in Braintree, MA while I was in high school. The memories I have of her are good. They are of family. Mom's side of the family are of good Italian stock! I'm not sure if Nana had something to do with my parents' blind date that got them started out on their life-long journey together, but I'm grateful my parent's met. I suppose my children are just as grateful!
So, thanks Nana for being my grandmom. Thanks Lord, for taking her to be with you as you promised.
Where did you get those pictures?! Wonderful! Love you guys.
Where did you get those pictures?! Wonderful! Love you guys.
BTW - it was Aunt Annie, not Nana.
Mum says:
Hi Bill. It was so kind and loving for you to post that announcement and eulogy. I really appreciate it. Thanks. Love Mum
I'd bet you a hazelnut coffee that it is Nana, not Aunt Annie.
Let me get the color pic and send it.
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