After going to Carnegie Science Museum in Pittsburgh, we drove all night to Missouri to visit with Sarah and her mom. We were treated to a great catfish supper! We left for Oklahoma to visit with Mark and Aimee via the Precious Moments Chapel...where I lost a pair of glasses while playing with Nafisa...worth the loss...but now I lost a pair....not my kids.
Then we drove straight to Colorado visit with Merrilea's family.
Between Focus on the Family, the Manitou Incline hike (the Manitou Incline averages almost a 40% grade - gaining 2011 feet in elevation over a length of approximately one mile -- with the maximum grade being 68%.), and fun with's turning into an awesome trip!

At Precious Moments with some of our nieces and nephews

With Mark and Aimee just outside of Tusla, Ok. I think this was our first trip through Ok!

Finally reunited in Colorado Springs!

Touring BRIO at Focus on the Family with cousins!

Manitou Incline...WOW. What a Hike!
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