23 October 2008

Due to an overwhelming response...

I finally took the time to go through our pics from family-time in Massachusetts to post more.
Sorry it's taken me so long....
I'm not the quickest bird in the flock.... ;-)
If I can find more...I'll put them up....


Tim and Amy said...

Bill, I love, love, love these pics!!! Thank you!!! :-)

I'm SO grabbing some of these to put in my iPhoto! I called Mum and told her to go to Panera ('cause I don't want her to get my cold) and check out the blog pics. She's gonna love 'em!

Thank you!!!

Tim and Amy said...

Bill, I love, love, love these pics!!! Thank you!!! :-)

I'm SO grabbing some of these to put in my iPhoto! I called Mum and told her to go to Panera ('cause I don't want her to get my cold) and check out the blog pics. She's gonna love 'em!

Thank you!!!

FLvdA said...

Looks like you had a great time together!
nice snake by the way.

I used these photos to show Peter his cousins.
see you next week.
