Below are pictures from our recent trip to Florida which closed out our family travels in the US. We visited Merrilea's brother Harold and his family (previous blog entry) and my brother Bob and his family. We even were able to Disney with them, thanks to FBC Orlando who paid our way! THANKS!!!!
This is fulfilling one of Nafisa's wishes...a picture with the princess! Eventually we should have others to show you of this.
John from FBC Orlando, met us at Disney to pay our way! THANKS JOHN! He had come to our meetings in Thailand this summer and led Danielle's class.
Nafisa at FBC Orlando with her teacher who headed up child-care for kids her age this summer at our meetings in Thailand.
Going from Epcot to one of the other parks.
At Disney Village with Lego people!
Bob and I .... I still have more hair!
Adventuresome Cousins!
This is outside the Tower of of the best rides at Disney.
While I'm driving, there's always some wrestling going on in the back seat...
Here's a pick I found from Maria's camera of our October trip to VA.
Our first few days in Florida were with Merrilea's brother Harold and his family (See previous blog update). Maria had some great pics of Harold doing what he likes best! Thanks for a great time with you and your family, Harold and Suzy! It was great.
While Merrilea and I were in Colorado this week (see next update for pics from that), Merrilea's parents took our kids to the Carnegie Science Center which they love!
Maria and her friend Sarah with their favorite magazines.
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had a blast w/ Bob & Shami & the boys!
Hey, that group pic is the one thing we forgot to do this time... :-( You guys look awesome!
Love you!
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