Joseph gets up between 7 to 9 AM daily. Currently he's sick, so he sometimes wakes up real early...or real late. He lays in bed for an hour so, gets up and immediately starts school work (though he may not finish it before dark!). We've been depending on him to do 3 loads of laundry in the mornings as we loose water from 2-4pm. Currently, our Whirlpool washing machine is needing to be serviced. We called on a Monday. The service man came on Thursday and will hopefully return on Friday with the replacement parts (all on our service contract). Joseph usually handles these visits, too.
He loves to take breaks from school work to listen to Down Gilead's Lane and Adventures in Odyssey. Sometimes he's grounded from using the computer based on the status of his homework, so if you're interested in chatting with him on Yahoo Messenger (ID: usontheflipside5 ) and he doesn't, it may mean he can't!
Joseph enjoys earning money and making Coffee Jar deliveries (best coffee shop this side of the Ganges River!) The shop doesn't pay him to do it but friends of our do!
He's got a low-watt green night-light in his room. We catch him often reading pretty late. For his birthday a friend gave him the Eragon novels. They are great! He's got a trunk-load of Legos he's saved through the years or bought off other friends. Thanks to Oma (Bill's mom), Joseph will soon be getting a bike as his old one was stolen 2 months ago.
We've really grown the depend on Joseph for loads of stuff around here. He does lots of local purchasing (household needs from toilet paper to butter, cheese to laundry detergent) and when the fix-it man shoes up, Joseph becomes the supervisor. I enjoy hearing him speak in Hinglish with the local shop keepers and vendors!!! He also does his share in taking care of Nafisa. Some nights, she even sleeps in his room. I think he does more than most 13 year olds his age here. We are grateful for his help!!!