26 September 2007

Day in the Life of . . .

She usually sleeps with Danielle and Maria in their bedroom. Maria's got the top bunk, Danielle and Nafisa share the bottom, though it was not always that way. Nafisa usually wakes up after the other girls. Maria tries to get up early to do her devotions with Brio Magazine. By the time most everyone else is up K-Love Radio is and we are eating breakfast.

Since Nafisa is allergic to wheat and dairy products, she usually has yogurt, oatmeal or rice and yogurt which is one of her favorites. Once a week Maria takes her to 'Toddler Time' which is a bunch of moms and toddlers giving a creative play time to kids Nafisa's age. We host it from time to time at our house. Nafisa usually has the reign of the house while home school is going on. One of us will usually take her outside for a walk in the park or to the grocery store. She LOVES getting out. When she sees one of us putting our shoes on, she says "You going out? I go out, too?"

When guests come over, she'll have fun walking around the house in their shoes. She loves to dress up and to get her finger and toe nails painted by Maria and Danielle. She loves getting her hard in pony tails. She'll daily watch a sign-language video called Sign-A-Lot and ancient VHS Sesame Street episodes about the alphabet and counting.

Hopefully she'll take a nap at some point and then regain enough stamina for the rest of the day. Can you believe she rarely falls asleep before 10pm!

She still keeps us smiling and laughing with her eager and happy demeanor. She's got her days, though. Sometimes I wonder who can whine louder, her or Danielle... :-)

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