19 September 2007

Life at the House

We’ve just said ‘goodbye’ to 2 college students who were staying in our home. They left on Friday the 14th of Sept. for an apartment of their own. We are meeting with them regularly as they continue working in community, teaching ESL classes and learning language and culture. That means Maria and Danielle have their room back to themselves...with Nafisa of course.

Merrilea has been sick for a few days so missed a few language classes this week. Joseph took Danielle to class so she wouldn’t miss them. The class is only 10 minutes away and they both enjoy getting out of the house.

This is the time in India when festivals are all over the place. Muslims are fasting during the day and have special stalls set up at night for varying good foods. Hindus are currently celebrating a 10 day festival for their god Ganesh along with a mixture of other festivals around this time. Lights and colors are everywhere.

On top of that, we are in the tail end of the monsoon season. Yesterday it rained the whole day. Lots of water accumulated on the streets around our apartment. I’m very glad we have a car. 2 years ago, we simply got wet! This evening I can hear the frogs chirping out the window in the park.

1 comment:

Tim and Amy said...

Hiya. We could use some of that rain. Things here are very dry; water bans are on in most towns.
Sorry to hear Merrilea isn't feeling well - hope she feels better soon!
Love to all.