19 December 2008

Remembering November Plus

In November, Merrilea and I attended a Marriage seminar in Colorado and we stayed with her sister, Melodie for her wedding. Below are picks from the wedding and a reunion picture from Melodies home earlier this summer.

18 December 2008

Update from Pune

Having settled, life is getting back to normal, whatever that is! Nafisa with her special friend, Sofia, affectionately called 'Sofy' - Joseph with his Legos - Our spending time with friends at a neighbors wedding

Leaving Grandma on November 3oth at the Pittsburgh Airport....Thanks for all you've been to us! See you next month!

11 December 2008

Turning 40!

Things I'll carry with me from my last year under 40...
  1. In 2007 the New England Patriots were undefeated on my birthday, having just beat Pitt. Steelers 34 to 13! Even though I ate my words at for 2008 Superbowl!
  2. Merrilea's parents and brother came to visit (Harold & Emma, Jonathan & Sarah)
  3. Trip to Thailand and Nepal in January '08
  4. Reunions with family in the US!
  5. Dr. Pepper (over a dollar a can) was available in Pune
  6. Coffee Jar. Need I say more!
  7. God used Nafisa to keep me laughing when I'd rather have complained.
  8. God used Joseph to help keep me faithful to my promises
  9. God used Danielle to keep my priorities on family over work
  10. God used Maria to help me remember time with my kids is more important than time on the computer
  11. Married two weeks shy of 17 years to Merrilea today.
  12. Ushering in 2008 with friends and family in Pune
  13. New Friends from Oklahoma
  14. Maria and Joseph left home for the 1st time for CYIA
  15. Remembering Larry Norman who died Feb 2008
  16. Great times in Malegaon with Paul and Ross
  17. Great times in Aurangabad with Jim and David
  18. Sweet Comfort Band CDs from Amazon.Com!
  19. Time in the Word with local guys
  20. Thailand meetings with our colleagues, getting recharged.
  21. Time in the US with family and friends on our journey Aug-Nov in NY, PA, MA, Chicago, Billings, Casper, Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri, Georgia, South Carolina, Maryland, Florida, Virginia....
  22. Will never forget great reunions with long-time friends in Georgia!
  23. Glen Eyrie in November!
  24. Generous and loving in-laws
  25. New England foliage
  26. Apple & Raspberry picking in VT
  27. The variety of topography in the US as we drove 14,500 miles.
  28. Carnegie Science Center, Pittsburgh, PA
  29. Clam bake with Lobsters at Amy's! (THANKS MOM!)
  30. Disney with my brother and his family - Thanks John & FBC Orldando!
  31. Sweet reunion with Bob & Shamira
  32. Fair in Cocoa and time at Cocoa beach with my nieces and nephews!
  33. Fair in Kittanning, PA in August
  34. Maryland and South Carolina Friends!
  35. Niagara Falls at night
  36. From $4.25 for gas down to $1.95 all in 4 months!
  37. ....... The list goes on!

10 December 2008

Another Servant Goes Home

As we've adjusted to life back here in India, a long-time friend of our family's from the South Shore of Massachusetts has gone to be with the Lord.

My earliest memories of Alex Canavan were from a Christian business mens' organization. He led a bunch of guys to publicly live out their faith...both in word and deed. His leadership aided my spiritual growth and my dad's back in the 1980's. He was one given to seeing God's people united in prayer and action. We'd meet in monthly meetings at Valley's Steak House/Hilltop Steak House in Braintree where the current Toyota dealership is now. Grossman's lumber yard was behind it...now where the malls are.

I did not know him that well though my dad did. What characterizes Alex in my memory in those years was his joyful faithfulness to and love for God and people. He was a gifted, outspoken man and for those tender years as young teenager, he was one of the significant models for me of what a life lived in pursuit of God meant.

Thanks, Alex and Maureen. I've been blessed by your lives.

09 December 2008

New Sunrise

This morning's sunrise - a different one than we woke up to 10 days ago. It's official. We're back in Pune! Jet lag has subsided (kids are still in bed and it's 7:30AM!). Coffee, toast and the Word this AM.

03 December 2008

We've Arrived

I think I'm not able to deal with much these first few days.... Lots to catch up with and lots to settle in, like
  1. Making sure homeschool computers are up and running (DONE!)
  2. Set up home computer network (DONE!)
  3. Paying electric bill
  4. Ensure all credit cards/bills are up to date
  5. Unpacking and putting away all those homeschool books, clothes, etc.
  6. Washing dust off things...although Shine and Janina did an awesome job on most things!
  7. Sending the mixer (blender) off for repairs
  8. Washing all buckets to keep for daily water storage...just in case
  9. Financial report due next week
  10. Catch up with local work
  11. Figure out which way is up and slowly make progress up....