Christmas lunch with friends at a local church gathering

Want to know more? E-mail Merrilea and ask her!
Christmas night...oh what fun!
This is the time in
On top of that, we are in the tail end of the monsoon season. Yesterday it rained the whole day. Lots of water accumulated on the streets around our apartment. I’m very glad we have a car. 2 years ago, we simply got wet! This evening I can hear the frogs chirping out the window in the park.
Nafisa enjoys spending some time with them as well! It’s quite a sight to see Nafisa do a split!
I’ve just come off of a long training time and am exhausted. Regretfully, I missed a friend’s birthday last night as I went to bed early. I’m feeling a bit better now, though.
In other news, our 2 college girls, Sarah and Chassidy, are hitting it hard, learning language and teaching English as a second language to several local women. They are keeping very busy.