15 February 2007

Merrilea is delayed and I’ve got to fly to Bangalore

Merrilea’s trip is delayed due to snow appropriately for this time of year… but I’m due to fly out of our city shortly after Merrilea would have arrived …so….

I’ve recruited a friend to watch the kids Friday night (THANKS!!!).

Maria is old enough now to watch Nafisa and be the head honcho for a while. She’ll enjoy the few hours of glory while waiting for our friend to take over around supper time. Merrilea ought to be here on Saturday by 3AM. If her flight is delayed, I’ll be making some phone calls from Bangalore!

In the meantime, I’ll sure miss seeing her. I’ll fly back Sunday about midnight.

Bill from the Flip Side,

Nafisa taking some Z's in the Bean Bag...

1 comment:

Tim and Amy said...

I hope both Merrilea's trip and yours go well and safe. I'm sure Maria will enjoy her few hours of power! :-)
Love to all.