04 February 2007

Merrilea Gone till the 16th

Merrilea has gone to New York to be with her family for her sister Valerie’s wedding so I’ve got the kids till the 16th. So far, so good. I’m able to spend more time with the kids…it’s fun, though I feel a bit frustrated as I’m not able to get as much work done.

Danielle had a day off from school this last week due to local political elections. Nafisa has had her friend, Sofia, over a bunch, too.

Biggest event since Merrilea’s been gone:

When no one was looking ….

Nafisa got to painting her fingernails with nail polish. By the time I got to her, she was playing with the nail polish remover. Just glad she didn’t try to eat it!

Surviving without Merrilea….for now.


1 comment:

Tim and Amy said...

Hahahahahahahahaha! Glad to see stuff like that happens to someone other than us! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! :-)
Love you all and hope you have some special time w/ your dad while your mom's away. We're glad that we'll get to see her soon!
Love you!
Aunt Amy